Kalibrering af installationstester
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Traceable Calibration
If you want calibration of your current installation tester you can order it through: rma.elma.dk
Do you know how accurate your measurements are?
It is important that you can document the accuracy of your instrument.
Let Elma Instruments perform traceable calibration - then you are safe.
To make sure that your instrument always is measures correct and accurate, we recommend that it is calibrated once a year. When you submit a calibration instrument to Elma Instruments, we undergo the following procedures:
- Review and control of the entire instrument.
- Firmware update (instrument software).
- Calibration according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Issuance of certificate.
- Instrument registration and recall management.
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.
Email: service@elma.dk
Phone: 7022 1000 - Press 3