Elma DT802D, CO2/Relative humidity/temperature monitor measures the air quality indoor, displaying the measured values in the display. Furthermore, the values can be recorded in the internal memory (32,000 values). The instrument is ideal for measurements on schools, daycare, meeting rooms, offices etc.
Bad climate indoor can lead to unpleasantness such as headache and difficulty concentrating. Measuring the CO2 level, gives a clear indication if the load of the room is suitable to the size and the air exchange from ventilation.
Mount the instrument on the wall or put it on the desk, where you want to measure or record the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), air temperature and relative moist.
The instrument can evaluate the indoor climate, indicating "Good", "Normal" or "Bad", using user configurable limit values. Elma DT802-D is equipped with back lit display and possibility to display max/min values along with actual time and date. The build in alarm is optional and able to provide an acoustic and visual alarm, when limits are exceeded.
Elma DT802D recorder function is able to log all values in user definable intervals (2 seconds...12 hours) and up to 32,000 values. Using the software provided with the instrument, the instrument can be configured and data can be extracted from the memory, to be displayed in list and graph format.
The instrument is provided ready to use including 230V power supply, manual, USB cable and software.
Elma DT802D - CO2 / RH% / Temp. measurement of air quality
EAN 5706445840366
EL-NR 6398206688
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221.00 EUR Ex. VAT